Land an interview in your first two weeks, or it’s free (we pay)

What you get

The 10x Guarantee Package

✅Instant access to your AI-powered application tool
✅Personalized resume and cover templates optimized for AI parsing
✅Priority customer support for faster issue resolution.
10x your interview rate or it's free

How it works

Upload your resume

Let our application collect all relevant information, ask you questions and understand everything we need to know

Going for multiple roles?

Upload multiple resumes to select depending on which role you are applying for

Download our chrome extension

How's it work?

Our chrome extension is what allows us to turn your browser into an AI agent

Start applying

Refine your search settings and let us take over the applying from there

Auto apply

Start applying on a job site of your choice!

Get Started Now

10x Plan
Life time

Choose Your Plan

Get started now